Voices from the Field

Voices From the Field

Our local food farmers are a vital lifeline to the health and vitality of a society and community, serving not only as food providers but also as custodians of our natural surroundings often using regenerative and organic practices to produce the food you find locally at farmers markets. 

Arizona farmers are diverse. Their reasons for growing food come from a deep inner calling and the desire to feed and care for their families, neighbors, and communities. Yet, the challenges they face are exponential from water insecurity and climate challenges to decreasing and unaffordable farmland

Get to Know Your Local Farmers & Hear Their Stories

Because the current food system is so dependent on national and international supply lines, it is fragile. Local food growers play an integral role in developing a resilient food system. Our small- to mid-size food growers and ranchers provide Arizona with fresh produce, eggs, milk, and meat, especially when mainstream food distribution channels are disrupted by supply issues, natural disasters, or global pandemics.

These unseen heroes come to the rescue in our time of need. They continue to do the hard work of growing and creating local food streams in food-insecure cities and towns. 

The Good Food Film Series tells the story of the changing agriculture landscape from those who are in the dirt, digging new roots to bring fresh, locally grown produce and food to Arizona’s farmers markets and communities.  Some of our featured film speakers: