Fact vs. Fiction

There’s an allure about clicking an item from an online store and having it arrive on your doorstep the next day, or even the same day.

In the middle of a recession, when people are worried about jobs, it’s easy to think that big box stores provide more opportunities.

But did you know that for every $10 million in annual sales, independent retailers generate 100 jobs, while chain stores only generate half that amount? Locally owned businesses generate dollars that go back into our local communities, funding public services, and more.

And there’s more. When there is a sense of community, studies show residents are more likely to vote, volunteer, and give to local charities. They are invested in their neighborhoods and the collective good. You won’t find that with big box behemoths.

Now is the time to be intentional about supporting local businesses. Become a regular, build partnerships, and share them with your circles. Show our local businesses love throughout the year with your time, purchases, and referrals.

And advocate for them. Call your congressperson and tell them to remember their favorite local businesses and to support anti-trust legislation. Need more information, please contact us at Local First Arizona and we’ll be happy to assist.

Fact: The more we support local businesses, the more they drive the economy and create jobs, and the more businesses we have in the community to patronize. If we don’t, we can expect to see the landscape of our neighborhoods change significantly.

Let’s not wait to see that happen. Contact your legislator today and join Local First Arizona in advocating for our communities.

Askia Stewart Jr