Boost your Immune System with What’s In Season at Your Farmers Market

With the changing season and colder days in the desert, a good way to stave off the seasonal cold or flu is by taking preventative measures and eating plenty of immunity boosting foods. Consuming fresh, in-season, and locally grown/raised plant and animal products has many health benefits to keep your immunity strong.

For starters, what’s in season in December?

  • Arugula

  • Beets

  • Bok Choy

  • Broccoli

  • Broccoli raab

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Carrots

  • Clementines

  • Grapefruit

  • Green onion/scallions

  • Greens and herbs 

  • Kohlrabi

  • Leeks

  • Lemons

  • Lettuce

  • Oranges

  • Parsnips

  • Radishes

  • Rutabagas

  • Spinach

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Tangerines

  • Turnips

Food as Medicine 

In-season produce and products found at a local farmers markets are plentiful of key immune-boosting helpers, such as beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin D. So, let's dig deeper into why they are so great for us, and what foods can give you that extra boost.

Rich in Beta Carotene + Vitamin A 

When perusing your farmers market this season, keep an eye out for bright-colored fruits and vegetables that are red and orange. Beta carotene gives these foods their rich and bright color, but the dose of vitamin A within is the true immunity boosting hero. Vitamin A was originally called the anti-infective vitamin because of its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to help fight off bacterial and viral infections. 

Produce rich in Beta carotene and Vitamin A: broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, oranges, clementines, and more. 

Packed with Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a big role in supporting our immune systems, protecting against pathogens and infections; and fortunately for us, Arizona has many foods in season that are packed with vitamin C—especially considering that Arizona is still one of the main growers of citrus in the country. With citrus being in season this month, fill your basket with lemons, grapefruit, oranges, and clementines. 

Other in-season produce that packs a vitamin C punch:sweet potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and more.

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most studied of the “immunity boosting” vitamins. Luckily, we can obtain the most effective form from a “free” source—the sun. To maintain a healthy vitamin D level, get 10 to 30 minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week. People with darker skin may need a little more than this. Your exposure time is also dependent  on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight.

Vitamin D can also be obtained from food sources. The D2 form of vitamin D (which is less active/bioavailable for the body) can be found in mushrooms, while D3 (the active form) is found in fish, fish liver oils (Cod liver oil!), egg yolks, cheese, and meats. 

The Power of Herbs

Depending on where you are in Arizona, many powerful healing herbs grow year-round, so don't forget to utilize them by adding them to your soups, dishes, and maybe your morning smoothies or drinks! Oregano, mint, thyme, rosemary, chamomile, and garlic are all amazing herbs to keep in your food medicine pantry. 

Raw Local Honey

Raw honey is liquid gold—chock full of antioxidants, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that can protect our immune system. If you have a sore throat or a cough, try making a cup of raw honey with lemon tea.

 Your best bet for finding raw, unpasteurized honey is to get it from a local beekeeper or at a farmers market. Most honey that you'll find in stores is heated and pasteurized, which destroys many of the benefits. 

Elderberry + Immunity Boosters 

Indigenous people have been using elderberries for food and medicinal purposes for centuries—from boiling the berries down to make jams and sauces to drying and making tinctures and syrups. Elderberry is packed with antioxidants that help boost your immune system and can help ease cold symptoms before they strike hard. 

Check out some of these Elderberry makers who offer Elderberry products and be sure to follow them on social media or on their website to see where you can pick up their products:

The Elderberry Lady:

The Elderberry Lady was a part of the Local First Arizona’s food entrepreneur program and has now scaled out and spread her elderberry love all across AZ! She offers everything from handcrafted syrups to specialty teas, gummies, and even has a holiday gift packages on her website if you're looking for a special gift!

Heart 2 Home:

Another successful Local First Arizona food entrepreneur to come out of the Mesa kitchen incubator program is Heart 2 Home. They offer a wide variety of Elderberry products, such as syrups, DIY kits, Elderberry infused raw honey, and more!

Wellness Shots

Another great find that adds a zingy punch of flavor to your daily routine, are Get Raw’s wellness shots that are packed with the best ingredients like organic ginger, turmeric, raw honey, tellicherry pepper, meyer lemon, and reverse osmosis water. This blend of immune-boosting ingredients is created by a retired pharmacist and is the perfect anti-inflammatory, vitamin C-packed must-have during the winter months. Find Get Raw wellness shots at local Arizona farmers markets or on their website.

Where to Find These In-Season Goodies

Visit our comprehensive local food directory to find a farmers markets or a local honey and other immune-boosting food businesses near you. Don’t have time to swing by a farmers market but want to eat with the seasons? Check out this list of local farmers who offer weekly or bi-weekly CSA boxes that are loaded with locally grown produce and other in-season goodies.

Annie Godin