Dr. Michael Kotutwa Johnson

Hopi Farmer, Assistant Specialist - Indigenous Resiliency, University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Indigenous Resilience Center

Dr. Michael Kotutwa Johnson is a member of the Hopi Tribe in Northern Arizona. He holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of Arizona, a Masters of Public Policy from Pepperdine University, and a B.S. in Agriculture from Cornell University. Michael is a faculty member and Assistance Specialist within the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at University of Arizona. His primary work is with the Indigenous Resiliency Center. Michael is also a co-author on the Indigenous Chapter in the National Climate Assessment Five. His newest initiative is called the Restoration of the American Indian Food System, based on the stewardship principles of Indigenous conservation. Most importantly, he continues to practice Hopi dry farming, a practice of his people for millennia.