Ashley Grabb

Senior Food Systems Health Educator, Maricopa County Department of Public Health

Ashley Grabb is a Senior Food Systems Health Educator at Maricopa County Department of Public Health. She has over 10 years of experience in food systems work, ranging from the field to the plate. She supported a Beginning Farmer Program in Boulder, Colorado that focused on farm-based education, business development, and local distribution, as well as education for local schools. She has extensive experience in food system coalition building and local food procurement in university and grocery retail settings across the U.S. She also worked at Arizona State University where she managed a National Institutes of Health research study that assessed fruit and vegetable consumption in schools across Arizona. In her current role, Ashley focuses on farmer advocacy, value-chain coordination, food systems mapping projects, and  farm to school/early childcare initiatives in Maricopa County.

Ashley received her Master's of Social Work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and holds Bachelor degrees in Psychology and Sociology from Eastern Illinois University. She grew up on a farm in Illinois that led her to a fierce passion for food, food sovereignty, and uplifting the importance of local and regional food systems.